Corrosion and Materials Protection

Module Notes
Faculty Member (Members):
Undergraduate, 10th Semester (5th Year, Spring)
Module Category: Thematic Unit Electives, Group C
Module Type: Core Chemical Engineering
Teaching Language: Greek
Course Code: CHM_E_Γ5
Credits: 3
ECTS Credits: 4
Teaching Type: Lectures (3h/W)
Module Availability on Erasmus Students: No
Course URL: E-Class (CMNG2204)
Module Details

Fundamental understanding of the principles of electrochemistry and materials science relevant to corrosion.

Understanding of the causes and mechanism of the various forms of corrosion

Knowledge of the effect of materials composition and microstructure on their behavior in corrosive environment, as well as of the effect of electrolyte composition on corrosion behavior of metals.

Knowledge of methodologies for prediction, measurement and analysis of materials performance concerning corrosion.  

Ability to identify and select corrosion-resistant materials for use in corresponding corrosive environments.

Knowledge of practices for the prevention and remediation of corrosion.

Ability to propose  economically viable solutions for solving or reducing corrosion problems at manageable levels.


Basic knowledge of Physical Chemistry  (with focusing on basic knowledge of Electrochemistry) Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Materials Science.

Α. Introduction to corrosion- Fundamental aspects:

Definition, characteristics and importance of corrosion. The thermodynamic aspects of corrosion.  The electrochemical theory of corrosion. Galvanic couples. Mixed potentials. Mechanism of oxidation of metals in aqueous solutions. Reduction reactions accompanying the corrosion of metals. Corrosion tendency of materials and factors affecting the corrosion rate. Measurement of corrosion and investigation of corrosion mechanism (parameters, methods). Construction and use of (thermodynamic) Pourbaix diagrams and (kinetic) Evans diagrams. Mechanism of iron corrosion. Solid products of corrosion Mechanism of corrosion of aluminum and various alloys. Passivation. The role of microstructure on corrosion.

Β: Forms of corrosion and related factors

Uniform and localized corrosion. Galvanic corrosion. Pitting and crevice corrosion. Cavitation corrosion. Intergranular corrosion. Stress-corrosion cracking. Corrosion fatigue. Hydrogen embrittlement. Erosion corrosion. Atmospheric corrosion. Corrosion in concrete. Microbial corrosion. Corrosion of nanostructures. Corrosion in non-aqueous electrolytes. High-temperature corrosion.

Γ. Corrosion protection and prevention

Selection of materials resistant to corrosion. Active and passive corrosion protection methods. Cathodic and anodic protection, corrosion resistant coatings, corrosion inhibitors, passivators. Techno-economic criteria for selecting the most suitable method. Evaluation and performance monitoring of corrosion protection methods. Monitoring of corrosion in structures. Examples of corrosion failures.

Teaching Organization


Total Module Workload (ECTS Standards):

110 Hours

  • Final written exam
  • Homework assignments, on volunteer basis.
  • Laboratory projects (practice, reports)

The final mark is mainly based on the final written exam.  Homework assignments and laboratory projects are taken into consideration (homework bonus).

  1. “Διάβρωση και προστασία υλικών”, Π. Βασιλείου, Θ. Σκουλικίδης , Εκδ. Συμεών ( Ε. Καλαμαρά), Αθήνα ( 2007) ISBN 978-960-7888-85-3
  2. “Η διάβρωση και προστασία των μετάλλων με απλά λόγια” Α. Λεκάτου, Εκδ. Νημερτής (2013), ISBN 978-960-99591-2-4.
  3. “Principles of corrosion engineering and corrosion control, Zaki Ahmad, Elsevier Ltd, Oxford (2006), ISBN: 978-0-7506-5924-6  (Κωδικός ebook στον Εύδοξο: 179192)
  4. “Corrosion Engineering”, M. G. Fontana, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill Book Comp. (2003), ISBN-13: 978-0070214606
  5. “Corrosion engineering: Principles and Practice”, P.R. Roberge, The McGraw Hill Comp. (2008), ISBN-13: 978-0071482431