On Tuesday, December 10th, the Vice Minister of Education of China, Mr. WANG Guangyan, accompanied by the President of Beijing University of…
Memorandum of Cooperation between the University of Patras and the University of Delaware
An official memorandum of cooperation has been signed between the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Patras and the…
2D-Enhanced international program - kick-off meeting
We would like to inform you that on Monday, December 9, the kick-off meeting of the international program involving academic institutions and…
New book by C.G. Vayenas, D.G. Tsousis, E.H. Martino
This monograph explores the profound implications of neutrino discovery and their minuscule masses on our understanding of the Universe. It delves…
We are pleased to announce that the latest paper, titled "Buoyancy-Induced Motion of a Newtonian Drop in…
We are delighted to announce that the Ph.D candidate of the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Patras and a member of the…
Maria Dimarogona on Instruct-ERICs Structure Meets Function webinar
Maria Dimarogona is one of the speakers of the Instruct-ERICs upcoming…
Evdokia Tsiliakou reports on her stay at IKV as a visiting student
Evdokia Tsiliakou is a student at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras and spent the winter semester 2023/24 at…
Several new positions in all areas of chemical engineering.
Stelios Varchanis and John Tsamopoulos are the Winners of the 2022 Walters Prize
The Editors of the Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (JNNFM) and Elsevier are delighted to announce the winners of the sixth Walters Prize…
Annual European Rheology Conference 2024 - Best Poster Award: Athanasios Kordalis
We are thrilled to announce a…
Relativistic Hydrodynamics from Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics: A beautiful journey
Over the years, non-equilibrium thermodynamics has offered a systematic and solid framework for formulating time-evolution equations for fluids…
@ChemEngUP is the newsletter of the Department of Chemical Engineering and includes information and news about the most important activities of…
Dionisis Mantzavinos has been appointed as Honorary Professor at Sichuan Agricultural University
Professor Dionisis Mantzavinos has been appointed as Honorary Professor of College of Environmental…
UPatras-ChemEng Team Places Third in 2022 International Chem-E Car Competition
The University of Patras - Chem-E-Car Team named Lamborgenius took third place in the 2022 American Institute of…
Prof. Spyros Pandis receives the Nikolai Albertovich Fuchs Memorial Award 2022
Prof. Spyros Pandis, Professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras and Collaborating Faculty Member of FORTH/ICE-HT,…
John Tsamopoulos named a fellow of the Society Of Rheology (June 2022)
Professor John Tsamopoulos of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Patras was elected a fellow of the Society of Rheology…
Moderna co-founder Robert Langer: 'I wanted to use my chemical engineering to help people'
The chemical engineer Robert Langer co-founded Covid-19 vaccine maker Moderna, and his…
We all know that entropy and friction go hand-in-hand. Friction creates irreversibility which results in the generation of entropy. This…
Our Department has the honor to welcome as visiting scientists two International Scholars, Prof. Athanasios Nenes and Prof. Vassily Hatzimanikatis…
Atomic veil to save fading Van Gogh sunflowers
Vincent van Gogh’s sunflowers are wilting. Each time a photon of light hits the paint on the…
The UT Austin Portugal Program, a Science and Technology Partnership between the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the…
Presenting a fresh look at process control, this new text demonstrates state-space approach shown in parallel with the traditional approach to…
Origin of the Sharkskin Instability: Nonlinear Dynamics
Numerical simulations reveals the intrinsic mechanism for the onset of the sharkskin instability in polymer extrusion processIn this paper, we…
Since its isolation in 2004 by Geim and Novoselov from the University of Manchester (Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010), graphene has been termed as…
Graphene veils for the protection of artworks
A research article was published today in Nature Nanotechnology journal which paves the way for new methods of art conservation by the…
ITACA: Innovative Training Centre for Advanced 3rd level Course in Azerbaijan
The planned activities are:
the design and building up of a Training Center, where EU and AZ universities and stakeholders will share their…The Health and Safety Committee of the Department of Chemical Engineering is responsible for the organization and the supervision of the…
Approaching Superlubricity by Three-Dimensional Printed Structures
Superlubricity, the sliding regime between two materials in which friction or resistance to sliding vanishes, expected capable of minimizing wear…
Why chemical engineering matters?
Why chemical engineering matters? A very good brochure of IChemE (Institution of Chemical Engineers). A text that helps those who want to study,…
Spyros Pandis awarded the 2021 Vilhelm Bjerknes Medal of the EGU
Professor Spyros Pandis is the recipient of the 2021…
Associate Professor Yannis Dimakopoulos was appointed as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering of Elsevier…
DCEup creates face shields for medical and nursing staff
The Department of Chemical Engineering is helping the struggling medical and nursing staff of Patras in the fight against Covid-19 war.
Experiments confirm numerical predictions for the normal stresses and extensional properties of elasto-viscoplastic materials - a fruitful…
Prof. Vlasis Mavrantzas was appointed Editor-in-Chief of the Polymer Physics Section of Polymers. Polymers (ISSN 2073-4360) is an international, …
Another paper coming from the Department's Nanotechnology and Advanced Μaterials…
Front cover article of ChemElectroChem Journal
The partnership of two laboratories of our department led to a front cover article publication of the ChemElectroChem Journal (IF 3.98).
A three department laboratories partnership led to inside back cover article of Nanoscale magazine
The partnership of three laboratories of our department led to an inside back cover article publication of the Nanoscale magazine (IF 7.23).
…The Vayenas International Symposium on Physical Chemistry and its Applications for Sustainable Development, is dedicated to honoring the lifetime…
Yannis Dimakopoulos, Georgios Makrigiorgos, Georgios Georgiou, John Tsamopoulos are the 2018 Walters Prize winners. The Editors of the Journal of…
1st ChemEngUP Alumni Symposium
Ιn the context of celebrating 40 years of operation Department of Chemical Enginnering organized the…
In the Applied Mathematics Laboratory there is conducted every Monday 15.00-18.00 and since 1989 an advanced Course-Seminar, associated with…
Waste4Think - Experimental runs in progress on the pilot of Halandri
In the framework of the European Project Waste4Think experimental runs are in progress in the Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering and…
Event for International Accreditation of ChemEngUP Diploma
In Athens on the first of November 2017, an event was organised to mark the international accreditation of the Diploma of the Department of…
Prof. Dionissios Mantzavinos has assumed the role of Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. The…
Tree Planting Activity on the Department of Chemical Engineering
On Friday, May 12 the Department of Chemical Engineering, condacted a Tree Planting Activity in the surrounding areas of our buildings. In the…
Professor John Tsamopoulos has been named a Fellow of the American Physical Society
Professor John Tsamopoulos has been named a Fellow of the American Physical Society “For outstanding…
Distinction for Professor Constantine Galiotis – Work award from Academy of Athens
At the ceremonial session which took place at the Academy of Athens on December 23rd 2015, the Academic Prize Pericles S. Theocharis was awarded…
Nomination Ceremony of Professor Nicholas A. Peppas as an honorary Doctorate
On Wednesday, the 3rd of June 2015 and at 12:00pm at the ceremony Hall “Odysseus Elytis” (Administration Building) took place the nomination…
Distinction for Professor John Tsamopoulos
In the conference of Viscoelastic Fluids held in Banff, Canada from 25th until 30th of October 2015 entitled “Viscoelastic Fluids: From Theory to…
10th Pan-Hellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Conference
The Department of Chemical Engineering of the University of Patras has been honored of organizing the 10th Pan-Hellenic Scientific Conference (…
Student Information System / Web Registry
The web registry of the University of Patras provides students and professors a variety of online services for an on-line communication with the…
Star-shaped macromolecular architectures on Langmuir Blodget monolayers
Macromolecular engineering offers numerous possibilities to design multifunctional macromolecules of controlled architecture, size and…
Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysis
Recent work on the phenomenon of electrochemical promotion of Catalysis (EPOC) or non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of Catalytic Activity…
Complex systems for controlling drug delivery
The macromolecular engineering group of polymer Lab, taking advantage of its long experience on designing polymer-based responsive self-assemblies…