Research Highlights

We are thrilled to announce a remarkable achievement from the Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC) 2024, held…

Over the years, non-equilibrium thermodynamics has offered a systematic and solid framework for formulating time-evolution equations for fluids with a complex internal microstructure that are consistent with the…

Athanasios Kordalis a Ph.D. candidate of the Department of Chemical Engineering of UPatras received the best…

Maria Dimarogona is one of the speakers of the Instruct-ERICs upcoming Structure…

The Editors of the Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (JNNFM) and Elsevier are delighted to announce the winners of the sixth Walters Prize. This annual award recognizes the best paper among those published within…

The international journal "Mathematics" of MDPI (IF: 2.592, Journal Citation Reports), published the special issue "…

For the 2022-2023 academic year (spring semester), as part of the Special Topics Program that we have established in our PhD School, Prof. Antony N. Beris (Dept. of…

The “ADRION TRANSNATIONAL MASTER IN RENEWABLE ENERGY” (ADRION TRAINEE) project acknowledges the significant interest in renewable energy topics among the countries in the Adriatic-Ionian region and facilitates and…

We all know that entropy and friction go hand-in-hand. Friction creates irreversibility which results in the generation of entropy. This fundamental coupling has been the cornerstone of modern equilibrium and (more…

Presenting a fresh look at process control, this new text demonstrates state-space approach shown in parallel with the traditional approach to explain the strategies used in industry today. Modern time-domain and…

Numerical simulations reveals the intrinsic mechanism for the onset of the sharkskin instability in polymer extrusion process In this paper, we have studied polymer extrusion, an important process in plastics…

Since its isolation in 2004 by Geim and Novoselov from the University of Manchester (Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010), graphene has been termed as a ‘wonder material’ due to its exceptional properties that have already…

A research article was published today in Nature Nanotechnology journal which paves the way for new methods of art conservation by the Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Laboratory. The innovative idea of using…

The planned activities are: the design and building up of a Training Center, where EU and AZ universities and stakeholders will share their experiences and new technical and scientific knowledge in the field of…

Superlubricity, the sliding regime between two materials in which friction or resistance to sliding vanishes, expected capable of minimizing wear on length scales ranging from the nanoscale to the macroscale,…