Awards - Scholarships

Students are offered opportunities for statutory scholarships or awards. The most important of these are listed below as well as the selection criteria and contact information.


Chemical Engineering Department, by exploiting private sponsorships and donations, has established the Scholarships’/prizes’ awards from one thousand euro (1000€) per year which were determined in 2012 as follows:

  1. Monetary/Cash money Prize “Dimitris Evanggelou”, which is awarded annually in memory of the Department’s student Dimitris Evanggelou by his parents.
  2. Four Monetary/Cash money Awards “Alkibiades Payatakis”, which are awarded every year by Mr. Stamos Katotakis, in memory of the Department’s Professor Mr. Alkibiades Payatakis.
  3. Three Monetary/Cash Awards of Chemical Engineering Department, funded from reserves of 28,000 euros today, created from donations by the professors Mr. I. Kevrekides (€23,500) and Mr. V. Sikavitsa (€7,850).



Undergraduate and Postgraduate students are given awards and scholarships by the State Scholarship Foundation since the academic year 1669-1997, under the following conditions:

  • The awards, consisting of granting special diploma and a lump sum of two hundred and ninety three euros and forty seven cents (€298.47), for the purchase of scientific books within the student’s field of knowledge, are awarded to the student who succeeded the first grade during the entrance exams as well as during the final exams provided that he completed them within the first two induction periods. Moreover, these awards are offered to any distinguished graduate who has completed his undergraduate exams within the first two examination periods.
  • The scholarships are consisted of a lump sum of one hundred sixty-seven euros and thirty-five cents (€1,467.35) and are given to undergraduate students considering firstly student’s and his family financial position and secondly his performance in absolute order of success either in the entrance or in the final exams of each year of studies. Undergraduate students of the intermediate academic years should have achieved an average grade of at least 6.51 on a scale score 0-10 in the indicative curriculum within the first or at least the first and the second examination period in order to receive a scholarship. It should be noted that the cost of accommodation for a student is estimated at about €6,000 per year, provided that he comes from another city.
  • The number of scholarships and prizes as well as the other award details, including the program and the rules governing them, are defined by the Board of Scholarship. However, the relatively recent experience indicates that the number of scholarships and awards, is limited to one for each year of studies, namely from maximum five (5) for the whole Department provided that the above mentioned criteria have been fulfilled.



Scholarships to Greek Scientists are sponsored by the European Union Commission for research in its member countries. These scholarships could be either of short or long duration. Candidates’ applications are evaluated four times per year while all applications are submitted to the European Union Office in Brussels. The applicants who are interested in this type of scholarships can address to: 
Commission of the European Union 
Directorate General for Science Research and Development 
Rue de la Loi 200 - B - 1049 Brussels, Belgium



According to the provisions of the Life Long Learning Program (Erasmus action) student mobility grants are sponsored to students who carry out a recognized part of their studies at another Member State.

The student mobility scholarships are intended to assist in additional cost mitigation that is caused when studying abroad. Applications for students with disabilities are encouraged as well. The Competent National Authority Award Scholarship should be informed about their special needs which can be taken into account when calculating the amount of student mobility scholarship.

The management of the LLP-ERASMUS program is entrusted to Universities and to the States Scholarships Foundations (Lysikratous 14 105 58 Athens Tel: 210-3254385-9, FAX: 210-3312759, e-mail:

More information and forms for students are available at the Office of International Relations of the University where a special management service of the LLP-ERASMUS mobility grants is operating. Information also is provided on the website LLP-ERASMUS of the European Union (( Each department has designated a professor who is responsible for the program LLP-ERASMUS. In the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Patras the designated professor is Mr. P. Koutsoukos.



This program operates under the LLP/ERASMUS program and aims at free credit transferring among the cooperating departments. In each University department exists a committee which is responsible for the courses’ association to facilitate the transfer of credits which were held in partner Universities. More information is available at International Relations Office (tel. 2610-994259, 2610-996333).



YOUTH program, including a European voluntary Service Scheme, offers to young people aged 15 and over the opportunity to broaden their horizons as well as to motivate them by participating in projects implemented in their country or abroad. While providing the development of a structured cooperation among youth organization, local authorities, project leaders and other professionals the program mainly offers opportunities for mobility and informal learning for young people themselves. 
More information is available on the website: General Secretariat for Youth: 
Acharnon 417, 11 1 43 Athens 
Tel.: (210)2531349 / 2532259 / 2599300 
Fax: (210)2531879 / 2531857 / 2531420 



The EUROMED-YOUTH Program’s objectives are included in the targets of YOUTH Program. The EUROMED-YOUTH Program aims at reinforcing students’ exchanges, voluntary work and other educational activities for young people aged 15-25 coming from the EU member States and other Mediterranean Countries (Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Malta, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey).

More information is provided on the website: and also at the address:  
European Commission 
Directorate General for Education and Culture -1/ Youth Unit 
Tel: +32-2-299 11 11 
Fax: +32-2-299 40 38 



The Technology and Research Foundation awards each year a number of scholarships for postgraduate studies in Greece to service programs in Institutes of places that compose it.

The number of scholarships and the conditions of their offer are defined by the local Institutes.

Information concerning these scholarships can be given by the secretariats of the local Institutes: 
Foundation for Research and Technology 
POBox: 1527, 711 10 Heraklion Crete, tel.: 2810 231199-599 
Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences:  
Stadium 26 504 Platani Achaias, PO 1414,  
Tel. : 2610 965 300  




Italian Government offers every year to Greek graduates aged up to 35 years old a significant amount of scholarships (93 months). These scholarships are not provided for postgraduate qualification but only for acquisition of specialization. All Candidates submit at the Instituto Della lingua Italiana e Cultura an application through which they ask for a scholarship.

The specializations of each scholarship are based on the number of requests that are available every year. All candidates are tested at the Italian language except from those who have graduated from the faculty of Italian Literature at the University of Thessaloniki as well as graduates from the Italian University and the Italian Institute. For more information by phone: 210 5235630, 210 5229294. Instituto della lingua Italiana e Cultura, Patission 47, Athens.


The DEUTSCHER AKADEMISCHER AUSTAUSCHDIENST (website: offers, through the German Embassy in Athens scholarships: 

  1. For postgraduate studies lasting firstly for one (1) year, to Greek graduates from Greek Higher Education Institutes. 
    a. Aged 32 years old at the beginning of the scholarship  
    b. With excellent annual performance and grade of at least 7.  
    c. With good knowledge of German. 
    d. Without military obligations 
    Applications are usually submitted on November for the next academic year.
  2. For research and study that will last for 1-3 months and will be granted to young scientists, academic staff of Universities. Main prerequisite for participation is that candidates have already lectureship and scientific publications as well as they are in touch with scientific institutes or with German colleagues of the same specialization. Applications are submitted for the first semester at late October and the second semester at the end of January
  3. Summer training in German language that last two (2) months for new assistants and students who have completed two years of study with very good results and a knowledge of German at the level of GRUNDSTUFE 1 of GOETHE INSTITUT.

Age limit at the start of the scholarship is the age of 32. Applications are usually submitted on February. More information available every Monday and Thursday at the phone: 210 7224801-805, German Embassy, Cultural Section, Karaoli and Dimitriou 3, Kolonaki Athens.


ScienceGreek graduates who wish to get a scholarship for postgraduate studies in French, can submit applications via their professors at the Greek Ministry of Research and Technology, International cooperation division, 2 Ermou str., 105 63 Athens, from October until the 1st of December every year for the next academic year (specifically for the faculty of Medicine all applications are submitted from October the 1st until the 1st of March). These applications are received from the French Academy and the final selection is made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of French.

The fields for which grants are offered are defined every year. All candidates are tested in French.

For more information, tel.: 210 3642761.

Other Countries

The following countries have signed cultural exchange agreements with Greece and provide scholarships to Greek Nationals for undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as summer schools (seminars). Scholarships are granted by a competent Joint Committee which examines the candidates’ files individually. The announcement for the scholarship granting is done either by the Ministry of Education or from the embassies of countries that provide scholarships. The announcement is also published in all daily newspapers and is announced by all the media, 20 days before the documents’ submissions deadline. 

The number of scholarships varies every year. There are no restrictions concerning the faculty. The scholarships can be given to Greeks as well as to Greek University graduates up to 35 years old. 

The above mentioned can contact the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Directorate of Studies and Student Affairs, Andreas Papandreou 37, Athens, Tel.: 210 34423468 or 3469 and 3470.

Besides Italy, French and Germany, scholarships are provided by the governments of the countries listed below:

  • Egypt
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Serbia
  • Denmark
  • India
  • Jordan
  • Iraq
  • Ireland
  • Spain
  • Israel
  • Norway
  • The Netherlands
  • Hungary
  • Poland
  • Czech Republic

Information is provided by the cultural Departments of the Embassies of these countries.



Information on domestic grants, legacies and grants for foreign University scholarships, organizations, Cultural Institutions and Governments is provided either by the General Secretariat for Youth (website: or by the Secretariat of Chemical Engineering Department.