Student Welfare


Students of the University are provided medical and pharmaceutical care. Healthcare for students is determined by Π.Δ. 327/1983 (ΦΕΚ 117/7-9-1983, Τ. Α). 

Α. Students entitled to have healthcare under the following conditions:  

Heath care as well as medical and pharmaceutical care deserve all undergraduate and postgraduate students of higher educational institutions either they are nationals or expatriates and foreigners for a period equal to the official duration of study increased by two years for undergraduate and by half for postgraduate students as it is determined by the legislation.  

As for the last year of studies the health care is extended beyond the end of the academic year, specifically until December 31st for those students who have not received their qualification until then. 

In case studies are suspended, according to the provisions of Article 29 paragraph 10 of L. 1268/1982, healthcare is interrupted and is extended after regaining the student status. For the healthcare booklet approval by the University of Patras, students should address to the Secretary of the Department, where they should deliver: 

  • Solemn statement of L. 1599-1986, that they have no other health insurance and also that they want the health insurance offered by the University pf Patras
  • A photograph

Moreover, students who have a healthcare booklet from the University of Patras, deserve the European Health Insurance Card (E.K.A.A) whenever they need to go abroad, in European Union Countries. For the acquisition of the European Health Insurance Card, students are required to submit at the Directorate of Student Affairs the following documents: 

  • Healthcare booklet from the University of Patras, valid for the current year
  • Certificate of studies by the Secretariat of the Department that will assure the students’ status
  • Passport

B. Cover Costs 

The Healthcare benefits that students are entitled to have, are free of charge with the conditions and restrictions of the provisions of Π.Δ. 327/1983 (ΦΕΚ 117/79-91983, τ. Α’). Students’ hospitalization is provided at the BA position, which is based on the rates normally applied each time for civil servants. The costs of the Healthcare are covered either by the budget of the relevant Universities or by the student club of Universities.  

C. Selection of Insurance Agency 

If the student is entitled directly or indirectly to receive care by another insurer, he may select the insurer he prefers by submitting a solemn declaration at the respective Department of the University. 
The cost will charge the insurer selected by the student. In case the selected insurer covers only hospital, medical and pharmaceutical care or part of the hospitalization expenses, the respective University or the Student Club of the University, covers the rest expenditure as mentioned in paragraph B.



At the Registry of Student Affairs operates the Student Support Office, which aims at students’ psychological counseling. Students can visit the physician (psychiatrist, Professor at the Medicine Department of the University of Patras) Mr. Konstantinos Asimakopoulos every Friday from 10:00am to 14:00pm, after arranging an appointment. Students who are interested in visiting the doctor should call at the number: 2610 996 151 (or 2610 997 970), from Monday to Thursday, at the mornings until 13:30pm, and arrange the appointment by giving their first name at the Office’s responsible. In case there is an immediate need for medical attention and support from the physician, besides the scheduled appointments, students can call the same numbers to contact him.



The student card ID/bulletin ticket (pass) is given to all students immediately after their registration to their faculty, for their transportation/movements to urban and suburban transport, with reduced tariffs by 25%. It can also be used to provide discounts to museums, cultural events, etc. At the beginning of each academic year new student card tickets are allocated to students who have not exceeded over the years required to obtain the diploma, increased by two (2) years, which are valid for the whole academic year. The student card IDs are strictly personal and must not be used by others. In case of the student card IDs’ loss, the students have to submit to the Secretariat of the Department responsible statement due to loss for the reissue of a new card, as well as a photograph so that a new bulletin card will be delivered after two (2) months. The students who have registered to the Department in order to acquire qualification of a second degree, are not eligible to have a student card ID. In addition, the facilitations offered with the student card ID are interrupted during the beneficiaries’ military service, in case of the suspension of their studies according to the provisions of par. 10 of Article 29 of L. 1268/1982, if the maximum duration of supply is completed and also if the students have graduated and as a result they lose their student status.



The University of Patras, according to the provisions of L. 3027/2002 announces an automatic award procedure on an annual academic basis, for the promotion of a sponsor who will dispose a sufficient number of vehicles for the smooth movement and transport of the students from Patras on Campus and vice versa. These vehicles will not carry all the civil passengers and will be clearly labeled on the side and on the windscreen “UNIVERSITY OF PATRAS” and “STUDENTS ONLY”. 
The right to transport have all the students who are equipped with the student card ID and with the Student Travel card which are provided by the Division of Student Affairs of the University (Building A, Ground Floor) with the corresponding payment of a small sum of money, which determined by the Senate. These two documents should be displayed on each control. The card issue dates as well as the timetable and the bus stations are announced by the Secretaries of the Departments. Photocopies of the Program for interested students, are available at the offices of the Division of Student Affairs.



The University of Patras provides free meals to undergraduate and postgraduate students. The conditions under which the free feeding provision is provided is determined by the Senate. The students who are not eligible for free meals can be subsidized by the University to half the daily value of the food in the Student Housing at the University of Patras Restaurant. All the catering facilities are administered by the Division of Student Affairs of the University of Patras, located in Building A of the University Food department: 2610 997547.

Beneficiaries of Free Feeding

Free meals are provided to active students of the University of Patras:

  • Undergraduate students, whose course of study has not exceeded the duration of semesters required to obtain the diploma, increased by four semesters.
  • Postgraduate students, whose course of study has not exceeded the duration of the indicative curriculum.
  • PhD students, who attend the first four years of their program provided that they do not already hold a second degree, masters or doctorate respectively.

The above amount shall be increased by three thousand (3,000) euros if the brother or sister of the beneficiary student is an active student of the first cycle of studies. If more than one students belong to this category the total amount will be increased by three thousand (3,000) euros for each one of them.

Free-feeding conditions for students

  1. For married students, the annual family income includes the total taxable one either is imputed as well as the income which is exempted or taxed in a special way and belongs to the student himself, to his/her spouses and to the minor children of each source.
  2. Unmarried students, whose annual family income, as it is presented at the corresponding paychecks of the competent Public Finance Office for the last financial year, do not exceed the sum of forty five thousand (45,000) euro in case it is about a family with a single child. For families with two or more children this amount increases by five thousand (5,000) euros for each child beyond the first.
  3. Married students, whose annual family income, as it is presented by the corresponding paychecks of competent Public Finance Office for the last financial year, do not exceed the sum of forty five thousand (45,000) euro. For families with children the above mentioned amount is increased by five thousand (5,000) euros for each minor child.
  4. Unmarried students aged 25 years old or over whose annual individual income, as it is presented at the corresponding paychecks of the competent Public Finance Office for the last financial year, do not exceed the sum of twenty five thousand (25,000) euro.
  5. As an annual family income is mentioned the total annual taxable income, either is imputed, as well as the income which is exempted or taxed in a special way and belongs to of the student himself, to his parents and to his minor siblings of each source.
  6. The amounts that are configured in each case are reduced by 10% when the beneficiary students reside permanently in the Municipality of Patras.
  7. The amount of the annual family or personal income is not among the criteria that provide free food to the student, if he/she regardless of his/her age, or one of his/her parents is unmarried if it is about a student under the age of 25 years old, or if the student’s spouse receives a bonus of unemployment.
  8. In case the beneficiary student, and/or his parents and/or his/her spouse, provided he/she is married, is not required to submit tax statement, he could submit a solemn declaration according to L. 1599 / 1986 (Α75) that will states that they are not obliged to declare

If the funding of the Foundation from the state budget, as it is stipulated in the article 63 of L. 4009/2011 (A195), is not sufficient to meet the feeding cost of all the students falling to the above mentioned categories, the Board of Directors club or the Student Affairs Committee of the Foundation will grant a specific identity priority to those who come from the categories that are indicated below: 

  1. Students who have many children, according to the Article 1 of L.1910/1944 (A229), as replaced by the Article’s 6 1st paragraph of Law 3454/2006 (A75), as well as their children. The large family attribute is retained for life according to the Article’s 6 3d paragraph of Law 3454/2006 (A75).
  2. Students who bear the attribute of a parent or child of a large family with at least three living children coming from a legal marriage, or that are legally recognized or adopted.
  3. Students with a sibling who is an active student in the first cycle of studies, who is not currently possessing a BSc, an MSc or a PhD, who attends courses at one of the following Foundations: AEI, TEI, Higher Ecclesiastical Education, School of Pedagogical and Technological Education and Higher Schools of Tourism Education of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism which is located at a place different of the permanent residence of their parents, as is stipulated at the Article 2 L. 4009/2001 (A185).
  4. Orphan students either from one or both parents, provided they have not exceeded 25 years of age.
  5. Students having the status of an unmarried mother of a child with at least one unrecognized child who have not exceeded 25 years of age.
  6. Students with parents, children, siblings, spouses who are blind, deaf or suffering from kidney diseases or from muscular dystrophy Duchenne as well as those who undergo hemodialysis or belong in the category of people with special needs because they have mobility problems due to disability over 67%.
  7. People with serious diseases referred in the Article 35 of Law 3794/2009.
  8. Students who have the status of a child victim of terrorism, as defined in the Article’s 1 first paragraph of Law 1897/1990 (A20) and they have not exceeded 25 years of age.



In the Halls of Residence are admitted as internal boarders, students of the University of Patras who are studying away from the place of residence of their families. The remaining students can be admitted simply for feeding. Priority for the admission in the Halls of Residence is given to students who come from families with low incomes. 

Each year until the 15th of June students who fulfill the relevant conditions, submit application which can be obtained by the Student Housing of the Campus. Along with this application information is provided about the necessary documents that should be attached to it. Although applications will be also accepted after the formal date of expiration, they will be satisfied if there are remaining vacancies. In addition, it should be noted that the 20% of the Student Housing’s positions is compulsory to remain blank so there will be availability for the new comers, who must apply within 20 days after the announcement of the results that indicate their admission to the University. The names of the students admitted by the Halls of Residence are announced, either immediately after the publication of the results for the new entrants, or on August for the rest of the students. The level of the boarders’ participation to the living cost is determined at the beginning of the academic year by the Board of the National Youth Foundation. Besides the taxes for feeding and housing, the boarders, before their entrance to the Home of Residence, are required to pay amount of money which is specified at the beginning of the academic year by the Board of the National Youth Foundation, to guarantee compensation for any damage.

Home of Residence (Board of the National Youth Foundation) 

Director: Athanasopoulos Georgios, tel. 2610 992362 

Call Center: 2610 992359, 2610 992360 

Home of Residents (Suburb) 

Office: 2610 434820, tel. (Ground Floor): 2610 453203