The Health and Safety Committee of the Department of Chemical Engineering is responsible for the organization and the supervision of the regulation functionality of health and safety to the educational and research activities of the Department, always accordingly to the international accredited standards and the Professional Danger Assessment Composition. Additionally, it coordinates and supervises the education of the Department’s students, associated with related subjects, while it inspects regularly the proper practicing of the safety rules, it records the shortages and the problems and it informs the responsible persons of every sector and the Head of the Department. The occupation with these subjects is coordinating in collaboration with the Health and Safety Office of the University of Patras. Special attention must be given to the strict application of the institutionalized regulation at the educational and research laboratories according to the Health and Safety Policy of the Department. Specifically:

  • The Laboratory Safety Rules are obligatory posted up at the entrance of every laboratory.
  • In every laboratory and within a specially marked cabinet there are placed the Health and Safety Manual concerning the Department, the Professional Danger Assessment Composition, the Book of Accidents and the updated Health and Safety Measures Calendar of each laboratory, whereas the inspections of the committee are recorded and supervised.
  • Before the beginning of the educational laboratory obligations of the students a detailed Health and Safety Presentation is performed, as well as training on subjects related to fire protection, earthquake response and first aid help, where the students sign the corresponding document of attention and they are examined. The responsible of every meeting of an educational laboratory briefs again the students about the health and safety, as far as the specific laboratory exercise is concerned.

Some useful information and addition documents relative to the aforementioned are cited in the sequel:

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (O.S.H.)

European Chemicals Agency (E.CH.A.)

List of Approved Workplace Exposure Limits

European Standard (ISO 7010)

Health and Safety Committee




P. Vafeas (Assoc. Professor)

Fire Safety and Earthquake Protection


M. Dimarogona (Assist. Professor)

Chemical Safery Issues

S. Boghosian (Prof.)

Laser and Radiation Security Issues

M. Kornaros (Prof.)

Biological Sefety Issues
O. Kouli (Assist. Teach. Staff)

Waste Disposal Coordination

I. Alexopoulou (Assist. Teach. Staff)

Safety Labeling and Τraining


  • Organizes and supervises the regulation functionality of health and safety to the educational and research activities of the department.
  • Coordinates the education of the department’s students in related subjects.

Communication: To all members of the committee: