Fluid Mechanics
Module Notes
Module Details
Ability to apply the basics of fluid flow and how to develop micro- & macroscopic mass & momentum balances.Understand the concept of the stress tensor and how to use it to compute the applied forces. Understand the physical significance & importance of the relevant dimensionless numbers to solve problems.
Understand how to simplify practical and complicated fluid flow problems and solve them primarily analytically, but also by using appropriate numerical methods
Develop the ability to simplify complex flow phenomena to simpler ones and solve the latter in simple geometries for Newtonian fluids. Develop and simplify mass and momentum balances, determine the relevant auxiliary conditions and solve the resulting equations. Understand the difference between creeping, laminar, turbulent and boundary layer flow. The required in each one simplifications and the procedure to solve the corresponding problems
CHM_102, CHM_201, CHM_300, CHM_402, CHM_130, CHM_230, CHM_220, CHM_320
INTRODUCTION. Definitions, Continuum hypothesis, Laws for solving flow problems, System or Material Volume (MV) and Control Volume (CV), Newtonian and nonNewtonian fluids.
HYDROSTATICS. Differential equation of linear momentum for static fluids, Manometers, Hydrostatic forces, Buoyancy.
ONE DIMENSIONAL STEADY, LAMINAR FLOWS. Analysis based on differential MV and CV, examples with Newtonian fluids.
KINEMATICS. Material and Spatial coordinates, Time derivatives (partial, total, material), Velocity and acceleration, the Reynolds transport theorem, Relationship between MV and CV, Macroscopic mass balance, Continuity equation, Stream lines, Path lines, Streak lines, Stream function.
MACROSCOPIC BALANCES. Linear and Angular Momentum balances. Energy balances.
STRESS TENSOR. Stress at a point, symmetry of the total stress tensor, Cauchy equation.
RHEOLOGICAL EQUATIONS. Rate of strain tensor, Newton’s law, Dynamic and Kinematic viscosity, nonNewtonian behaviour.
THE NAVIER-STOKES (NS) EQ. Derivation of NS. Dimensionless form, Reynolds, Froude, & Stokes numbers, Ideal flow, Stokes, Euler and Bernoulli equations, Potential flow, 2D incompressible flow based on the stream function.
LOW Re FLOWS. Creeping flow, Flow around a sphere, lubrication flows.
HIGH Re FLOWS. Boundary Layer (BL) flows, outer (potential) flows, BL detachment, exact and approximate solution of BL flow over a plate.
Teaching Organization
Total Module Workload (ECTS Standards):
Written Examination
A final exam is given in the end of the sementer. It covers the most important topics of the module via two or three problems, which have prespecified weights. The exam is graded by the Lecturer. In the past an optional mid-term exam was given, but less than 30% of the students participated.
Course Book
«Ρευστομηχανική», Α. Παγιατάκη, εκδόσεις Παν. Πατρών
Additional Literature
- Introductiοn to Fluid Mechanics, Whitaker S., 1981, Krieger
- Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 8th Ed., Fox R.W., McDonald A.T., 2012, Wiley
- Μηχανική των Ρευστών, Ι και ΙΙ, Παπαϊωάννου, Α., 2002, Κοράλι
- Transport Phenomena, Revised 2nd Ed., Bird R.B., Stewart W.E., Lightfoot E.N. 2007, Wiley
- Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer, Welty J.R., Wicks C.E., Wilson R.E., 1984, Wiley.
- Multimedia Fluid Mechanics, CD-ROM, Homsy et al., 2000, Cambridge