Unit Operations Ι

Module Notes
Faculty Member (Members):
Undergraduate, 7th Semester (4th Year, Fall)
Module Category: Compulsory Modules
Module Type: Core Chemical Engineering, Advanced Chemical Engineering
Teaching Language: Greek
Course Code: CHM_655
Credits: 4
ECTS Credits: 6
Teaching Type: Lectures (2h/W) Τutorial (2h/W) Laboratory (2h/W) Project/Homework (2/Semester)
Module Availability on Erasmus Students: No
Course URL: E-Class (CMNG2168)
Module Details

Students are trained in basic separation processes (Distillation, absorption, membranes, fixed and fluidized beds, etc)

Students learn to apply theory, experimental methodology, data analysis and interpretation

Students learn design unit operation processes with the aid of a process simulation software

Students learn to work and co-operate in multidisciplinary teams to present their results in original reports

To attend the module the student is encouraged to refresh basic thermodynamics and physical chemistry knowledge especially for equilibrium vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid systems. We will also use knowledge from the module 'Mass and Energy Balances'

Unit operation I includes the following modules:

Distillation - Distillation of binary mixtures: Equilibrium distillation, differential distillation, fractional distillation, Method McCabe-Thiele, Method Ponchon-Savarit, Performance Murphree., - Fractional distillation of multicomponent mixtures: Method wholesale analysis method accurate analysis.

Absorption: design equations and analysis, Absorption multistage countercurrent, Processes continuous contact Absorption complex mixtures.

Adsorption: Balance and isotherms (Langmuir, BET, etc.), dynamics and principles of adsorption curves crossing Design adsorption processes.

Evaporation, drying and extraction.

Fixed and Fluidized Beds: Conditions for fluidization. Gas-solid systems.

Membrane filtration (macrofiltration, Ultrafiltration, Nanofiltration, reverse osmosis): Separation mechanism, membrane materials, membrane configuration, synthesis, applications, etc

Process simulation software packages in Chemical Engineering.

Project for the complete design of a distilled column for the separation of a binary liquid mixture.

Teaching Organization


Total Module Workload (ECTS Standards):

173 Hours

(Final exam) x 0.7 + 0.1 x Project + (laboratory grade) x 0.2 = Final Grade

  1. Ιωάννης Γεντεκάκης, "Φυσικές Διεργασίες’’, Εκδόσεις Κλειδάριθμος Ε.Π.Ε.., Αθήνα, 2010
  2. Warren McCabe, Julian C. Smith., Peter Harriott, "Βασικές Διεργασίες Χημικής Μηχανικής, Εκδόσεις Α. Τζιόλα & Υιοί Ο.Ε., Θεσ/νίκη, 2002
  3. Μάρκος Ασσαέλ, Μαρία Μαγγιλιώτου, "Φυσικές Διεργασίες", Α. Τζιόλα & Υιοί Ο.Ε., Θεσ/νίκη, 2009