PhD Thesis Defence Presentations - Dimitris Grigoriou

Abstract (Περίληψη)
In the first part we explore the rotating lepton model that was first suggested by C.G. Vayenas and S. Souentie. This model has the ability to agree with many of the predictions of the Standard model but without use of adjustable parameters. Beyond the usefulness as a predicting tool, the fact that this model is based on first principles suggests that it contains a substantial amount of truth and thus warrants an in-depth review and analysis. Starting from the newtonian concepts of gravitation and space-time we explore the influence of special relativity and follow the line of thought of the model which ultimately claims that nuclear forces are the relativistic facets of gravity. Several examples are analyzed.
In the second part we study the reaction of CO2 hydrogenation in terms of its importance in the energy-management field and conduct several experiments in order to cast light in the role of metal -support interactions in the heterogeneous catalysis of the reaction.
Speakers Short CV (Σύντομο Βιογραφικό Ομιλητή)
HEC PARIS Master’s in Business Administration.
University of TEXAS at AUSTIN, Red McCombs School of Business
University of PATRAS [Greece] - Diploma in CHEMICAL ENGINEERING.
Professional experience:
- Lead Instructor in the IATA-HARVARD program.
- Management of Innovation for “PAPAELIAS Constructions LTD”.
- PhD researcher in catalysis and gravitation at the U. of Patras, Chem. Eng. Dpt.
- EDG designlab – Product Development engineer [Industrial Design agency, Athens]
- HELBIO – Researcher [R&D in hydrogen production, Patra, Greece].
- CHROTEX – Continuous Improvement engineer [Paint and varnish industry, Athens].
-Kevrekidis scholarship (Chem.Eng. UP), 2001.
-Technical Chamber of Greece Award: 3rd place among all chemical engineering graduates of 2006 from Greek schools.
-HEC Excellence scholarship from Ecole des Haute Etudes Commerciales de Paris, 2011.
-Winner of the HEC Markstrat tournament / class of 2012.
-Winner of the social entrepreneurship idea pitching contest of Dell Computers, Austin TX, 2012.
-National Design Award “Greek design=Good design” for the product «Scissor Bag», 2013.