ChemEngUP is committed to uphold the ethical standards resulting from the implementation of pertinent laws, rules and regulations relating to higher education and research in Greece, and relevant decisions of the governing bodies of the University of Patras. Moreover, ChemEngUP is committed to embrace and adopt best practices that emanate from international experience in an effort to continuously improve its operation.
Specifically, ChemEngUP:
- Perceives as particularly important the obligation to educate its students by emphasizing the principles of integrity, respect for the beliefs and rights of others, promoting health and safety, the welfare of the public and, especially, environmental protection.
- Seeks to disseminate the principles of the “Professional Code of Greek Engineers” of the Technical Chamber of Greece, the “Code of Conduct of European Chartered Engineers” of ECEC, and similar documents from other prestigious international organizations (e.g. FEANI, AIChE), in the context of a more comprehensive preparation of the professional lives of its graduates.
- Gives great importance to the consolidation of ethics and professional integrity in all aspects of the educational process and makes every effort to inform students in all matters relating to breaches of rules of examinations or other means of evaluation.
- Gives particular importance to the recognition of the work of others and therefore educates students on the correct reference procedure. Furthermore, ChemEngUP imposes mandatory use of plagiarism prevention software for all Diploma, Postgraduate Research and Doctoral Theses while it encourages its use for all written work resulting from educational or research projects.
- Seeks to instil in the students the respect of public property and the development of a sense of responsibility for the protection of premises and equipment used in the educational and research process.
- Applies the provisions of the bylaws and the relevant decisions of the governing bodies of the University of Patras in all cases of identified violations of academic rules of conduct applies.
- Has set an Academic Ethics Committee (AEC) consisting of the Chairman, the Deputy Chairman and the Chairman of the Internal Quality Assurance Committee, which investigates complaints about such violations and recommends appropriate actions to the Departmental Assembly. Furthermore, AEC also proposes infringements response procedures, measures to avoid them and amendments to the present Code of Ethics.