Laboratory of Chemical & Electrochemical Processes

Alexandros Katsaounis
2610 962757
Consantinos Vayenas
Professor Emeritus
2610 997576
Susanne Brosda
Senior Scientist
2610 997269
Postdoc & PhD/MSc students 2610 997860  
Laboratory webpage:

The Laboratory of Chemical and Electrochemical Processes (LCEP), directed by Professor C.G. Vayenas, belongs to the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Patras. The group of Patras is credited with the discovery of the effect of Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysis (EPOC) and has pioneered in the use of solid electrolytes, as an active reservoir of ionic species available to control and enhance the catalytic properties of metal and metal oxide electrodes.
The group has an extended experience in catalytic and electrocatalytic processes, which is shown by almost 10 scientific publications per year in high citation impact journals (Journal of Catalysis, Journal of Electrochemical Society, Journal of Applied Catalysis). The group has more than one hundred publications both on the phenomenology and on the fundamentals of EPOC. Research is also carrying out on the use of fuel cells with alternative fuels for simultaneously generation of electrical power and useful chemicals (‘’chemical cogeneration’’). The group of LCEP has also pioneered recently the use of triode fuel cells where a third auxiliary electrode is used to enhance the anodic or cathodic electrocatalysis. Among latest achievements is the development of the monolithic electropromoted reactor (MEPR) which significantly facilitates the practical utilization of electrochemical promotion of catalysis.
Current research of LCEP:

  1. Electrochemical Promotion of CO2 hydrogenation to high value chemicals and fuels.
  2. Triode operation of low and high temperature fuel cells.
  3. Water electrolysis on novel electrocatalysts
  4. Preparation and characterization of DSA type anodes for alcohol electrooxidation.

Further details on LCEP including the basic laboratory equipment can be found in the laboratory official website: 


The official website of the LCEP ( contains all the current as well as the previous scientific research projects of the group. The basic results of them together with the publications reported in international journals are also discussed in the same website.