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Module Notes
Faculty Member (Members):
Undergraduate, 9th Semester (5th Year, Fall)
Module Category:
Thematic Unit Electives, Group A
Module Type:
Advanced Chemical Engineering
Teaching Language:
Course Code:
ECTS Credits:
Teaching Type:
Lectures (3h/W)
Project/Homework (1/Semester)
Module Availability on Erasmus Students:
Course URL:
E-Class (CMNG2143)
Module Details
Ability to apply biochemical engineering principles to wastewater treatment processes
Ability to formulate mathematical models able to describe physicochemical and/or biological processes pertaining to either municipal or industrial wastewater treatment
Knowledge of physicochemical (conventional/advanced oxidation) and biological processes and their application in wastewater treatment plants
Ability to design and assess both chemical (including advanced oxidation) as well as biological processes for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment systems
There are no prerequisites for this module. However, students should have basic knowledge of mass and energy balances, unit operations and biochemical processes.
Wastewater flowrates. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of wastewaters. Sewage networks. Legislation and treatment levels. Pretreatment (screens, grit chambers, grease removal, flow stabilization). Primary sedimentation and flotation. Fundamentals of microbiology and microbial kinetics. Secondary treatment. The activated sludge process. Alternative secondary suspended growth systems. Biofilm systems (trickling filters and biodiscs). Nutrient removal (nitrification, denitrification, biological phosphorus removal). Modelling of activated sludge systems. Natural systems for wastewater treatment. Disinfection. Sludge (biosolids) management.
Sources and characteristics of industrial effluents. Methods of evaluation of the polluting loading. Physical and chemical treatment technologies:
- Coagulation - flocculation
- Chemical precipitation
- Adsorption
- Membranes
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs)
- Ozone oxidation
- Photocatalysis
- Electrochemical processes
- Ultrasound irradiation
- Thermochemical processes
Process integration
Effluent valorization and recovery of valuable products
Teaching Organization
Total Module Workload (ECTS Standards):
106 Hours
The assessment of each student’s performance is as follows:
50% written examination
50% project
1. "Μηχανική Υγρών Αποβλήτων. Επεξεργασία και Επαναχρησιμοποίηση - Τόμος Α" 4η Έκδοση, Metcalf & Eddy, Εκδ. Τζιόλα, 2006, Θεσ/νίκη. ISBN: 960-148-109-2
2. "Διαχείριση Υγρών Αποβλήτων", Γ. Λυμπεράτος και Δ. Βαγενάς, Εκδ. Τζιόλα, 2011, Θεσ/νίκη. ISBN: 978-960-418-346-3
3. Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water & Wastewater Treatment, Ed. S.A. Parsons, IWA Publishing, 2004