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Module Notes
Faculty Member (Members):
Undergraduate, 1st Semester (1st Year, Fall)
Module Category:
Compulsory Modules
Module Type:
Background Courses
Teaching Language:
Course Code:
ECTS Credits:
Teaching Type:
Lectures (3h/W)
Τutorial (1h/W)
Project/Homework (2/Semester)
Module Availability on Erasmus Students:
Course URL:
Module Details
- Understand fundamentals of atomic structure and of the steps leading to the development of modern atomic theories.
- Understanding bonding in molecules and of the way that electro distribution in atoms in their compounds affects molecular shape and other macroscopic properties of materials.
- Understanding and predicting macroscopic properties of materials on the basis of intermolecular forces.
- Ability for use of the information involved in the periodic table of the elements for the prediction of physical, chemical properties of materials, their reactivity and of the electronic structure of the atoms.
- Understanding of the importance of interactions at the atomic and molecular level for the prediction of physical and chemical properties of materials.
- Relating knowledge of physical and chemical phenomena with everyday life.
General Chemistry (High School level)
Atoms, molecules and ions. Early atomic theories. From ancient Greeks to the modern atomic theories. Quantum principles. Thomson’s experiment. Millikan experiment. Discreetness of atomic spectra. Planck’s theory. Atomic models of J.J.Thomson, Rutherford, N.Bohr. The De Broglie theory and atomic model. Where are the electrons? Atomic orbitals and quantum numbers. The properties of atomic orbitals. The pauli and Hund’s rules. The effective nuclear charge. Shielding and penetration. The aufbau principle for the electronic conformation of atoms. Exceptions from the rules. Pseudonoble gas configuration. The electronic configuration of ions. Atomic structure and the periodic table. Properties of the elements and periodic trends of their physical and chemical properties. Chemical bonding. Lewis structures. Formal charges and oxidation number. Resonance. VSEPR theory. Molecular geometry. Valence bond theory. Hybridization of atomic orbitals. Molecular orbital theory. The LCAO method. Modern aspects of chemical bond. Forces between atoms and molecules and their consequences to physical properties of materials.. Solids and Liquids. Elements of chemical thermodynamics and chemical kinetics.Chemical Equilibrium. Acids, bases and salts. The strength of acids and bases. Complexes of the elements of the d-block.
Lectures using electronic and conventional means. Analytic presentation of selected examples. Student guidance to seek internet and other course related Literature information. Selected demonstration experiments
Total Module Workload (ECTS Standards):
120 Hours
Short, 15 min exams are given during the semester (8-10 exams). 15% of the average is added to the final exam mark. 2 homework assignments, 10% of the average is added to the final exam mark. Final written and/or oral examination
- Εbbing: General Chemistry, 4th Ed. , Houghton, 1993. ΤTransl. In Greek , Travlos Publ. 2002
- Applied Inorganic Chemistry (in Greek), S. Liodakis, Parisianos Publ., 2003
- Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry (in Greek), G.Pnevmatikakis, Ch.Mitsopoulou, K.Methenitis, Stamoulis Publ., 2006.
- General Chemistry, P.W.Atkins, Scientific American, 1992.