Heterogeneous Catalysis

Module Notes
Faculty Member (Members):
Undergraduate, 9th Semester (5th Year, Fall)
Module Category: Thematic Unit Electives, Group B
Module Type: Core Chemical Engineering
Teaching Language: Greek
Course Code: CHM_E_B1
Credits: 3
ECTS Credits: 4
Teaching Type: Lectures (3h/W) Project/Homework (2/Semester)
Module Availability on Erasmus Students: No
Course URL: E-Class (CMNG2147)
Module Details

Knowledge of the fundamentals of thermodynamics and kinetics of the heterogeneous catalytic reactions.

Knowledge of the basic types of solid catalysts and of the most common methods used for their synthesis, characterization and assessment of performance.

Knowledge at the microscopic level of the general mechanism and of the basic aspects of  chemisorption and  catalytic action, for different types of solid catalysts.

Knowledge of the key features of the heterogeneous catalytic actions in selected processes of industrial and environmental significance

Ability to analyze experimental data of physisorption and chemisorption on solid catalyst surfaces and to identify the basic features of the mechanism of a heterogeneous catalytic reaction, on the basis of kinetic measurements and  data resulting from the application of techniques of characterization of solid catalysts.

Ability to select the most suitable type  of heterogeneous catalyst for a particular reaction and become involved in development of new or optimized catalysts.

Ability to clearly present in written as well as discuss solutions to homework exercises and problems related to heterogeneous catalysis.

There are no prerequisite modules. The students should have a basic knowledge of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics.

Introduction to Catalysis. Thermodynamics and kinetics of surface catalyzed reactions.

Basic physical forms of catalytic surfaces: Metal catalysts, microporous solids, supported liquid phase catalysts, immobilized and anchored catalysts, grafted catalysts, mixed oxide catalysts.  Synthesis and characterization of solid catalysts.

Chemisorption processes at solid surfaces: Metal surfaces, redox oxide surfaces, solid acid surfaces.

The detection of adsorbates on catalyst surfaces. Techniques used to investigate phenomena at solid surfaces (TPD, TPR, SIMS, LEED, EELS, AES, UPS, XPS, EXAFS, IR and IRAS). General principles underlying each of these techniques and examples of their application in Heterogeneous Catalysis.

Catalytic actions on solid surfaces: Reactions catalyzed by transition metals, oxidation reactions on redox catalysts, hydrocarbon conversions on solid acid surfaces, reforming catalysts.

Fundamental aspects of the catalytic action in heterogeneous catalytic processes of industrial and environmental significance: Hydrogenation of vegetable oils. Ammonia and nitric acid production. Methanol synthesis. Synthesis gas conversion processes. Ethylene oxide production. Sulphuric acid production. Linear polyethylene production. Catalytic cracking. Synthetic gasoline production. Catalytic processes with modified zeolite catalysts. Catalytic processes for pollution abatement.

Keywords: Heterogeneous Catalysis; Adsorption; Catalytic action; Catalytic processes; Catalyst characterization

Teaching Organization


Total Module Workload (ECTS Standards):

102 Hours

1. Final written exam

The written exams comprise mainly theoretical questions (part of them in the form of multiple-choice questions) but also solving of simple exercises.  

2.   Mid-term written exam (on volunteer basis)

The mid-term exam grade is taken into account only if it is higher than that of the final exam.

3.   Homework assignments (two homework sets), on volunteer basis. 

1.  Lecture notes (Σ. Μπεμπέλης, Σ. Λαδάς, «Ετερογενής Κατάλυση»,  Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών 2006)