Production & Shaping of Industrial Materials

Module Notes
This module will not be offered for this semester
Faculty Member (Members):
Undergraduate, 9th Semester (5th Year, Fall)
Module Category: Thematic Unit Electives, Group C
Module Type: Core Chemical Engineering
Teaching Language: Greek
Course Code: CHM_E_Γ1
Credits: 3
ECTS Credits: 4
Teaching Type: Lectures (3h/W) Project/Homework (2/Semester)
Module Availability on Erasmus Students: No
Module Details

To use chemical and physical methods for producing metals

To be able to control the processing variables for the melts of industrial materials

To be able to take samples from the process and make test and analysis

To be able to investigate if the methods are economical,efficient and environmentally acceptable

1. Production of Iron and Steel (G.Aggelopoulos, 3-4 lectues):

Iron and steel production. Iron ore. From iron ore to steel. Reduction of minerals,coke, blast furnace. Reduction reactions. Ellingham diagrams.  Boudouard equilibrium and Chaudron  curves. Mass balance in the blast furnace. Cast iron and categories. Pretreatment of iron. The making of steel. Refining processes. Reactions refining. Processes of oxygen. Electric arc furnace. Categories and classification steels.

2. Production /Formatting Polymeric Materials (Y.Dimakopoulos,3-4 lectures ):

Part 1: Basic Principles of Polymer Processing (1-2 weeks)

Historical Background: · From Natural to Synthetic Rubber · Cellulose and the $10,000 Idea·Galalith - The Milk Stone·Leo Baekeland and the Plastics Industry·Herman Mark and the American Polymer Education·Wallace Hume Carothers and Synthetic Polymers·Polyethylene - A Product of Brain and Brawn·The Super Fiber and the Woman Who Invented it· One Last Word - Plastics

Structure of Polymers: · Structure of Polymers· Macromolecular· Conformation and Configuration of Polymer Molecules· Arrangement of Polymer Molecules· Copolymers and Polymer Blends· Polymer Additives

Thermal Properties of Polymers: · Material Properties · Measuring Thermal Data

 Rheology of Polymer Melts: · Viscous Flow Models· Simplified Flow Models Common in Polymer Processing · Viscoelastic Flow Models · Rheometry·  Surface Tension

Part 2: Influence of Processing on Properties: Introduction to Processing (3-4 weeks)

Historical Background:· Extrusion· Mixing Processes· Injection Molding· Special Injection Molding Processes· Secondary Shaping· Calendering· Coating· Compression Molding· Foaming· Rotational Molding

Anisotropy Development During Processing: ·Orientation in the Final Part ·Predicting Orientation in the Final Part · Fiber Damage

Solidification of Polymers: ·Solidification of Thermoplastics· Solidification of Thermosets· Residual Stresses and Warpage of Polymeric Parts

3. Surface Treatments of Iron and Galvanisation(B.Stivanakis,1 lecture):

Methods of galvanisation, Intermetallic phases Fe-Z

4. Inorganic binders Materials -Cements(B.Stivanakis,2-3 lectures):

Technology cement manufacturing, Admixtures and cement, Technology to address environmental impacts, Environmental cement footprint

5. Ceramics(P.Nikolopoulos,3-4 lectures):

Introduction to Ceramics, Production of ceramic powders, Formatting and aggregation (sintering) Ceramics, properties of Ceramics, Failure Analysis Ceramics, Applications Ceramics [Traditional, Technical and Advanced Ceramics (structural and functional)] , Joining Materials (cermet)

Teaching Organization

PROJECT / HOMEWORK: 2/semester

Total Module Workload (ECTS Standards):

120 Hours

Assessment type: During the semester

  1. Lorraine F. Francis, “Materials Processing: A Unified Approach to Processing of Metals, Ceramics and Polymers”, 1st   Edition, Academic Press, 2016, ISBN-10: 0123851327, ISBN-13: 978-0123851321
  2. J. Beddoes, M. Bibby, “Principles of Metal Manufacturing Processes”, Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN-10 978-0340731628