Abstract (Περίληψη)
This study is focused on the simultaneous exploitation of rice hull, an abundant agro-industrial byproduct and a typical example of lignocellulosic biomass, with microalgae, in order to obtain natural phenolic compounds out of the final produced microalgal biomass. The research areas include the hydrolysis of rice hull, the cultivation of selected microalgal strains in rice hull hydrolysate, the production of phenolic compounds from microalgal biomass grown in rice hull hydrolysate and the extraction of these phenolic compounds from the final microalgal biomass.
Speakers Short CV (Σύντομο Βιογραφικό Ομιλητή)
Polytimi Papavasileiou graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering of University of Patras (2017) and is currently a postgraduate student (2018-present) at the Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering and Environmental Technology of the same department in order to obtain a PhD degree. Her research is focused on the biotechnological exploitation of rice hull, an abundant agro-industrial byproduct, with microalgae, to produce several natural value-added products, including phenolic-rich extractives with high antioxidant activity. Her research has been presented in international scientific conferences as well as in peer-reviwed journals.