The “Advanced Oxidation Processes” Research Group

Dr Dionissios Mantzavinos 2610996136

Our research group are actively involved in the development, modeling, optimization and application of the so-called advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for the treatment of municipal and industrial wastewaters, as well as other aqueous matrices, including surface waters, groundwater, potable water and treated effluents.

Several AOPs are investigated including heterogeneous photocatalysis over immobilized or suspended semiconductor materials, homogeneous photocatalysis (photo-Fenton), wet air oxidation with or without heterogeneous catalysts (e.g. transition metal oxides and precious metals), sonochemical reactions, ozone oxidation and ozonolysis, and electrochemical oxidation over various “active” and “non-active” electrodes. Moreover, process coupling constitutes a major research topic in an attempt to elucidate possible synergistic, cumulative or antagonistic effects.

Research methodology includes fundamental kinetic and mechanistic studies to elucidate possible interactions amongst the various operating parameters, identification of major transformation by-products, establishment of the reaction network and assessment of the post-treatment chemical, biological and ecotoxic properties.

Oxidative treatment targets a wide spectrum of contaminants including emerging organics such as the metabolites of pharmaceuticals and personal care products typically found in treated effluents at the ng/L-μg/L level, “mild” industrial effluents such as those from textile processing and “heavily polluted” (agro)industrial effluents such as those from olive processing (for olive oil and edible olives manufacturing) and landfill leachates. Research interests also include the inactivation of pathogens, as well as the simultaneous treatment of heavy metals and organic contaminants.

The sustainable management and treatment of various aqueous matrices usually requires an inter- and multi-disciplinary approach, where environmental chemical engineering plays a pivotal role; in this respect, separation processes, amongst others, are critical for the recovery of added-value by-products (i.e. waste valorization) and/or the reuse of processed streams, an area of particular interest to the research group.


Experimental: Wet air oxidation reactor, high power and low frequency ultrasound generator, ozone generator, solar simulator, electrochemical oxidation reactors.
Analytical: Total organic carbon analyzer, Toxicometer.