Videos από Webinars, προσκεκλημένες Ομιλίες, Συνέδρια & Εκδηλώσεις

Invited Talks - Webinars 2021 -2022 - Hermenegildo García (UPV)

Every year the Department invites distinguished scientists from universities, research centers and industry to talk about their work and professor…

Health & Safety @ ChemEngUP

The Health and Safety Committee of the Department of Chemical Engineering is responsible for the organization and the supervision of the…

ChemengUP masters and doctoral degree conferment ceremony - March 2021

The Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras masters and doctoral degree conferment ceremony was held on Wednesday, March 31, 2021…

Waste4Think - Experimental runs in progress on the pilot of Halandri

In the framework of the European Project Waste4Think experimental runs are in progress in the Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering and…